By examassureinfo / May 19, 2022 View DetailsJoin us on Social media:InstagramfacebookTelegramLinkedInExam Assure updates regularly on WhatsAppJoin WhatsApp GroupJoin Now 0% 03 ArchPlan Quiz (Pr)05 Questions- 05 Minutes 1 / 5Which among the following criteria is the most important one to locate Industries? Adequate water supply Closer to place of consumption raw materials Cheaper land value Proximity to transport facilities 2 / 5Various levels of shopping facilities in urban settlements as stipulated by the National Building Code, 2005 are Convenient shops, cluster centre, sector centre, community centre, district centre Informal shops, formal shops, general retail service and repairs, wholesale Petty shopping, cluster shopping, community centre, district centre, central business district Convenient shopping, local shopping, community centre, district centre, local wholesale market 3 / 5Functional classification of urban roads as per Indian Road Congress in Its proper hierarchy is Expressway, Arterial, Sub-arterial, Collector, Local Arterial, Sub-arterial, Collector, Local Arterial, Sub-arterial, Collector, Local, Cul-de-sac Expressway, Arterial, Collector, Sub-arterial, Local, Cul-de-sac 4 / 5Among the following which are all considered as statistical data?Use the list and code to answer.List:There is one accident at junction AJunction A records 12 accidents during the year 2005, 8 accidents during 2006 and 6 accidents during 2007The literacy rate of state p during the census year2001 is less compared to the census year 1991The state p records the literacy rate during 1991 as 80% and during 2001 as 78%.Of these (I), (II), (III) and (IV) (I), (II) and (IV) (II) and (IV) (II) only 5 / 5The distrust of statistics may not be due to Questionnaire is not proper Only by systematic sampling Data collection by improper persons Classification of data is not proper Your score is 0% Restart quiz View Details View Details of Crash Course