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2 DDA Daily Quiz (Pr)

Quiz For
Planning Assistant - DDA
10 Questions- 05 Minutes

1 / 10

The minimum width (in m) of a staircase flight in an educational building above 24m height should be ________.

2 / 10

As per the Census of India 2011, Metropolitan Urban Agglomerationis a contiguous spread of several urban settlements where the minimum population size (in lakh/s) is

3 / 10

The concept of Dry Garden is associated with

4 / 10

The grade - separated interchange suitable for 3-legged road intersection is

5 / 10

Finger Plan concept of urban planning was initially adopted in

6 / 10

Which one of the characteristic features best represents the ancient city of Mohenjodaro?

7 / 10

Incentive based voluntary shifting of FAR of a plot to another plot is called

8 / 10

Development occuring on vacant or underused lots in otherwise built-up area is known as

9 / 10

Damage of foundation due to soil liquefaction is related to

10 / 10

Bulking of sand is highest in

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