Exam Assure Daily Practice Quiz-15

Exam Assure Daily Practice Quiz

Architecture and Planning Quiz


15 - Daily Practice Quiz _ Architecture and Planning

(Only for Exam Assure Students)
05 Questions- 05 Minutes

1 / 5

Among the following new towns, three towns have similar function and one is with different function.

Identify the new town which is of different function.

2 / 5

Urbanist 'Doxiadis' has put forward certain planning concepts and those are available in the list given below:

Use the codes to identify the correct answer:

  1. Urban Renewal Model
  2. Diagnostic survey
  3. Modular
  4. Theories of Ekistics

3 / 5

Sir Patrick Geddes has advocated certain planning concepts and those are available in the list given hereunder:

Use the codes to identify the correct answer:

  1. Survey before plan
  2. Survey methods
  3. Conservative surgery
  4. Outlook tower

Of these

4 / 5

The growth of the towns and cities can take place in two ways. One is Horizontal growth. What is the other growth?

5 / 5

Population size of Metropolis is

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