Exam Assure Daily Practice Quiz-23

Exam Assure Daily Practice Quiz

Architecture and Planning Quiz


23 - Daily Practice Quiz _ Architecture and Planning

(Only for Exam Assure Students)
05 Questions- 05 Minutes

1 / 5

'Landscape Architecture' mainly deals with

2 / 5

The act of proecting the trees in the environment is termed

3 / 5

From the following identify the 'urban open spaces' in "ascending hierarchical order"

Use code to give answer.

  1. Children's park
  2. Tot-lot
  3. Residential district park
  4. Neighborhood park

Of these:

4 / 5

Shrubs generally grow to a height of

5 / 5

The minimum distance between two air terminal facilities (airports) to operate jet engine aircrafts under IFR condition is

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