Exam Assure Premium Quiz-144

Exam Assure Premium Quiz

Architecture and Planning Quiz


144 - Daily Architecture and Planning Quiz

(Only for Premium Subscribers)
07 Questions- 05 Minutes

1 / 7

IDMST focused mainly on:

2 / 7

The IHSDP scheme of Govt. of lndia has been in operation for

3 / 7

The target cities of JNNURM of Govt. of lndia for the Rajasthan state has been

4 / 7

As per guidelines issued by Ministry of surface transport distance a road Junction and petrol pump for towns with more than 3 lac population.

5 / 7

As per guidelines issued by Ministry of surface transport what is the Minimum distance allowed between a toll post and petrol pump, for towns having 3 lac population

6 / 7

Clearance from MOEF is mandatory for a large building project if the built  up area is more than

7 / 7

Match the following acts with the year of commencement

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