Exam Assure Premium Quiz-147

Exam Assure Premium Quiz

Architecture and Planning Quiz


147 - Daily Architecture and Planning Quiz

  • (Only for Premium Subscribers)
    07 Questions- 05 Minutes

1 / 7

Which one amongst the following is not a part of an Urban Development controI?

2 / 7

Which out of following is a land technique?

3 / 7

Who amongst the following are is the author of the book “Principles and practices of town and country planning”?

4 / 7

Who amongst the following is the author of the book ‘Design of cities’?

5 / 7

Who amongst the following alle author of book “Housing without houses”?

6 / 7

Who among the following is not a co-author of the book “Urban pattern city planning and design”?

7 / 7

National slum policy of lndia was formulated in which of the following years

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