Exam Assure Premium Quiz-149

Exam Assure Premium Quiz

Architecture and Planning Quiz


149 - Daily Architecture and Planning Quiz

(Only for Premium Subscribers)
07 Questions- 05 Minutes

1 / 7

As per UDPFI guidelines of govt. of India, what is the recommended design  speed in kilometres for arterial road in Urban area?

2 / 7

As per UDPFI guidelines of govt. of India the proposed land distribution of  residential, Commercial, Industrial and Recreational landuse, respectively for medium cities in plain areas is

3 / 7

As per UDPFI guidelines of govt. of India the developed area average  density for large cities is

4 / 7

As per UDPFI guidelines, a 11 KV electric substation is recommended for a  population of

5 / 7

As per URDPFI guide lines, suggested norms for at least one school  For physically challenged students is on an urban population is

6 / 7

Which of the following land use with their respective colour codes  given in UDPFI guidelines

7 / 7

The structure plan is prepared for a period of:

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