Exam Assure Premium Quiz-155

Exam Assure Premium Quiz

Architecture and Planning Quiz


155 - Daily Architecture and Planning Quiz

(Only for Premium Subscribers)
07 Questions- 05 Minutes

1 / 7

As per model building bylaws 2010, for Jaipur waste water recycling is  Mandatory for plots having an area of __ sqm. or more.

2 / 7

As per the building bylaws of Jaipur Development Authority, who is the Competent officer to grant approval of building plans in S-1 region .

3 / 7

As per model building bylaws 2010, the parking provision for cinemas is  lECU parking for every:

4 / 7

Which out of the following taxes is levied by urban local bodies in Rajasthan  as pet Rajasthan Municipalities Act 2009 '

5 / 7

As per slum development policy of 2010 of Rajasthan under public private  partnership model the maximum FAR that can be allowed on the plot shall be: ·

6 / 7

As per development policy of Rajasthan the eligibility criteria for developer  who wishes to develop area between 25-50 hectares should have a minimum net worth of:

7 / 7

In Township policy 20 IO of Rajasthan, "the minimum area specified  for establishing a township" (in hectares) is

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