
Exam Assure Premium Quiz-304

Exam Assure Premium Quiz

Architecture and Planning Quiz


304 - Daily Architecture and Planning Quiz

(Only for Premium Subscribers)
05 Questions- 05 Minutes

1 / 6

For a pin jointed steel truss system, which of the following statements is TRUE?

2 / 6

Match the books in Group I with their authors in Group II

P. Space, Time and Architecture1.      Jane Jacob
Q.Form, Space and Order2.      Kevin Lynch
R.The Death and Life of Great American Cities3.      Ian McHarg
S.The Image of the City Ching4.      Francis D K
  5.      Gideon S

3 / 6

Match the schemes in Group I with their specific targets in Group II

Group IGroup II
P. JNNURM1. Urban Amenities for Rural Areas
Q. IAY2. Infrastructure and Slum Upgradation
R. PURA3. Rural Employment
S. NREGA4. Land Acquisition
 5. Housing for BPL families

4 / 6

  • Match the terminologies of Group I with their corresponding meanings in Group II
 Group IGroup II
P.Antarala1. Antechamber
Q. Mandapa2. Palace hall
R. Gopuram3. Womb chamber
S. Prasada4. Gateway
 5. Pillared sanctuary

5 / 6

Match the AutoCAD commands in Group I with their corresponding program in Group II

Group IGroup II
P. Conel. Specify centre point of base or [3P/2P/Ttr/Elliptical] : Specify base radius or [Diameter] < > : Specify height or [2Poi nt /Axi s endpoint] < > :
Q. Cylinder2. Specify cent repoint or [3P/2P/Ttr] : Specify radius or [Diameter] < >: Specify tube radius or [2Point/Diameter] < >
R. Sphere3. Specify centre point of base or [3P/2P/Ttr/ Elliptical]: Specify base radius or [Diameter] < > : Specify height or [2Point/Axis endpoint/Top radius]:
S. Torus4. Specify centre point of base or [3P/2P/Ttr/Elliptical]: Specify radius or [Diameter] < > : Specify tube radius or [2Point/Diameter] < >:
 5. Specifycent repoint or [3P/2P/Ttr]: Specify radius or [Diameter] < >:

6 / 6

Identify the hierarchy, from highest to lowest, of the number of potential conflict points at the unmanaged traffic intersections given below.

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