By examassureinfo / May 13, 2022 GATE AR 2026 – New Batch from 8th March 2025View DetailsJoin us on Social media:InstagramfacebookTelegramLinkedInExam Assure updates regularly on WhatsAppJoin WhatsApp GroupJoin Now 0% 02 ArchPlan Quiz (Pr)05 Questions- 05 Minutes 1 / 5The first effort in Modern Town Planning in India was originated with the appointment of a commission in 3 presidencies during 1864. The commission was Sanitary Commission Health Commission Town Planning Commission Welfare Commission. 2 / 5Choose the relationship among the following four types of plans:Perspective planDevelopment planAnnual planProjects and schemes.Of these Perspective plan and Development plan are interrelated All the 4 types of plans are independent All the 4 types of plans are interrelated Projects and schemes are not related. 3 / 5Reconnaissance survey is useful in planning exercise to Identify housing characteristics Identify socio-economic characteristics Ensure the traffic network Delimit the study area 4 / 5Outlying residential districts of a city is termed as Urban sprawl Suburban area Fringe area Urban node 5 / 5The general slope of the land in Tamil Nadu is from North-west to South-east North-east to South-east North-west to South-west South-west to North-east Your score is 0% Restart quiz GATE AR 2026 – New Batch from 8th March 2025View Details View Details of Crash Course