By examassureinfo / October 8, 2022 GATE AR 2026 – New Batch from 8th March 2025View DetailsJoin us on Social media:InstagramfacebookTelegramLinkedInExam Assure updates regularly on WhatsAppJoin WhatsApp GroupJoin Now0% 25 ArchPlan Quiz (Pr)GATE AR 202305 Questions- 05 Minutes 1 / 5Bamboo is a type of: timber tree perennial grass shrub 2 / 5Bid rent theory is: a theory of strategy Compact and mixed-use walk-able development geographical economic theory a theory related to transportation 3 / 5The human dimensions of Corbusier's Modulor are in: geometric progression arithmetic progression empirical progression unrelated natural order 4 / 5The community development programme was inaugurated in the year: 1947 1952 1850 1950 5 / 5What is the full form of NBCC related to building and construction? National Byelaws by Council Co-operation National Building Construction Company National Building Council Corporation National Building Construction Code Your score is 0% Restart quiz View More Details