DDA Architectural Assistant Syllabus 2023 | Delhi Development Authority Architectural Assistant Exam 2023

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DDA Architectural Assistant Syllabus 2023 | Delhi Development Authority Architectural Assistant Exam 2023

DDA Architectural Assistant Syllabus 2023: Overview

Delhi Development Authority Exam 2023 Syllabus is divided into two parts i.e. Part-I and Part-II

Part-I : Part-II:
Respective Discipline (Architecture)a) Test of reasoning
b) Test of Quantitative Aptitude
c) Test of General Awareness and
d) Test of English Language

Part-I :

A. Architectural Design Theory & Practice
B. Building Construction, Surveying & Structure
C. Structural Design
D. Professional Practice: Building Norms & Approvals
E. Building Services
F. Environmental Studies
G. History Of Architecture
H. Computer Applications
I. Architectural Graphics

Part-II :

To measure candidate’s reasoning ability, quantitative aptitude and proficiency in English and General Awareness
a) Test of Reasoning
b) Test of Quantitative Aptitude
c) Test of General Awareness and
d) Test of English Language

DDA Architectural Assistant Syllabus 2023: Detailed Syllabus

Part-I : Detailed Syllabus

A. Architectural Design Theory & Practice | Part-I

  1. Meaning of design.
  2. Appreciation of beautiful objects.
  3. Design in everyday life.
  4. Logic in design.
  5. Elements of design- line, form, color texture.
  6. Principles of design- unity, variety, hierarchy.
  7. Scale and proportions.
  8. Balance, emphasis.
  9. Focus, fashion, decoration.
  10. Basic design and architectural design- Elemental Differentiation.
  11. Perception and experience.
  12. Tangible and intangible in architecture.
  13. Function, structure and form.
  14. Space, space usage and interrelationship of spaces.
  15. Circulation within Spatial Units.
  16. Horizontal Circulation.
  17. Vertical Circulation.
  18. Circulation and Spaces, between buildings.
  19. Relationship of plan, section and elevation.
  20. Architectural scale.
  21. Programming in Architectural design.
  22. Site Planning
  23. Urban Design
  24. Project Management

B. Building Construction, Surveying & Structure | Part-I

  1. Building Materials
  2. Building Technology & Innovations
  3. Surveying methods
  4. Specifications
  5. Estimating & Costing
  6. Working Drawings/GFC, Sections, Toilet & Staircase details, Door & window schedules
  7. Surveying
  8. Retrofitting
  9. Basic Structure
  10. Basic components of “building”
  11. Role of Construction in Architecture
  12. Brick as a structural material.
  13. Stones as a building material
  14. Stone masonry construction.
  15. Basic structural design elements.
  16. Definition and concepts: Instruments used; acquaintance with electronic surveying instruments.
  17. Principles of surveying, Unit of Measurements.
  18. Chain surveying.
  19. Compass Surveying.
  20. Leveling.
  21. Contouring: Topographic maps.
  22. Plain tabling.
  23. Marking foundations.
  24. Measuring building under construction.

C. Structural Design | Part-I

  1. Forces in structures.
  2. Moments in structures.
  3. Loads in structures.
  4. IS:875
  5. Types of supports.
  6. Shear Force, Bending Moment.
  7. Center of Gravity, Moments of Inertia.

D. Professional Practice: Building Norms & Approvals | Part-I

  1. Master Plan of Delhi
  2. Unified Building Bye Laws of Delhi
  3. National Building Code
  4. Fire safety norms
  5. Disaster/ Risk Management
  6. Harmonized guidelines & standards for universal accessibility in India

E. Building Services | Part-I

  1. Sources of surface and ground water, treatment of water, transportation and distribution at town level
  2. Water supply system: fittings, direct and indirect supply, layout and sizes of pipes, hot water supply, storage
  3. Sewerage system: systems, fitting and fixtures, sizes and layout, sewage collection, sewage treatment and disposal at town level
  4. Solid Water management
  5. Rain water drainage
  6. Water, Waste & Sanitation
  7. Electrification, Lighting & Acoustics
  8. HVAC, Mechanical Mobility, Fire Safety

F. Environmental Studies | Part-I

  1. The multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies, Definition, scope and importance.
  2. Natural Recourses.
  3. Renewable and non-renewable resources.
  4. Natural resources and associated problems.
  5. Ecosystems.
  6. Biodiversity and its conservation.
  7. Environmental pollution.
  8. Climate responsive design
  9. Green building rating systems such as GRIHA, ECBC, LEED etc.
  10. Sustainable / Energy Efficient Building Design
  11. Social issues and environment
  12. Human population and environment

G. History Of Architecture | Part-I

  1. Indian Subcontinent
    1. Indus valley civilization.
    2. Aryan/Vedic civilization.
    3. Buddisht and Jain civilization.
    4. Indio Aryan Temple Architecture.
    5. Early and late Chalukyan architecture.
    6. Dravidian Temple Architecture.
    7. Vernacular Architecture
  2. Western World
    1. Ancient civilization- Mesopotamian, Sumerian, Babylonian, Persian, Assyrian, Egyptian civilization.
    2. Classical Greek Architecture.
    3. Roman Architecture.
    4. Romanesque Architecture.
    5. Early Gothic Architecture.
    6. Renaissance Architecture.
    7. Modern & Post-Modern Architecture
  3. Contemporary Architecture
    1. Works of Architects (such as B.V. Doshi, Charles Correa, Hafiz Contractor, Joseph Allen Stein, Raj Rewal, A.P. Kanvinde, Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Norman Foster, Moshe Safdie, Kengo Tange etc.

H. Computer Applications | Part-I

  1. AutoCAD – 2d drawing
  2. MS Office (Word, Excel, Power point)
  3. Adobe Photoshop
  4. Sketchup & Walkthrough

I. Architectural Graphics | Part-I

  1. Drafting of lines, Orthographic projections, Representing simple solids, Lettering.
  2. Architectural Graphic Symbols, Drawing Scales, measured drawing of a simple object/
  3. Drawing, editing, modifying commands in 2-d using Auto CAD, Setting in plotting.
  4. Drawings on Standard formats.


To measure candidate’s reasoning ability, quantitative aptitude and proficiency in English and
General Awareness

a) Test of Reasoning
b) Test of Quantitative Aptitude
c) Test of General Awareness and
d) Test of English Language

Exam Pattern & Marking Scheme

Single Stage Online Exam

Total Number of QuestionsTotal MarksNegative MarkingDuration
120120For 1 mark question –
0.33 negative marks for wrong answers
2 hours
(120 minutes)

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