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14 DDA Daily Quiz (Pr)

10 Questions- 05 Minutes

1 / 10

Projects eligible for assistance under JNNURM (Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission) are

  1. generation of employment in cities
  2. water supply and sewerage
  3. housing development
  4. Generation and distribution of electricity.

Of these

2 / 10

Under non-market mechanism

3 / 10

Consider the following statements:

  1. Under market mechanism the demand and supply are equal.
  2. The price is equilibrium when the goods demanded and supplied are equal.
  3. When the price decreases, supply decreases.
  4. When the price Increases, supply increases.

Of these statements

4 / 10

Market mechanism is one

5 / 10

In economics the input falls into which of the following?

  1. Natural resources
  2. Labour
  3. Capital
  4. Technology

Of these

6 / 10

In the case of 'air pollution' when a factory emits smoke that harms the local people and damages their health & property and yet the firms does not pay for these costs.

The above effect is called

7 / 10

Identify the correct sequence of steps involved in project cost-benefit analysis.

Use codes to give correct answer.

  1. Specification of the project
  2. Evaluation of costs & benefits
  3. Listing cost elements & benefit elements
  4. Discounting the future to Its present value

8 / 10

Which is the discount rate which makes its net present value equal to zero?

9 / 10

"Development that meets the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations, to meet their own needs." What is this development called?

10 / 10

Among the following, who are the main contributors to provide houses in urban area?

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