Exam Assure Premium Quiz-85

Exam Assure Premium Quiz

Architecture and Planning Quiz


85 - Daily Architecture and Planning Quiz

(Only for Premium Subscribers)
07 Questions- 05 Minutes

1 / 7

Occupancy Load, of residential group of occupancy is:

2 / 7

Little-Mirrlees (L-M) approach is used in which of the following?

3 / 7

What is Charles Correa’s main concept seen evidently in most of his designs?

4 / 7

In a Low Density Residential Plot, the boundary wall height shall be maximum:

5 / 7

Which is not a type of building?

6 / 7

Growth of algae in a natural water body tends to increase the latter’s:

7 / 7

As per Delhi Master Plan 2021, the area that needs to be earmarked for Local Shopping Centre (LSC) / Convenience Shopping Centre (CSC) for a population of 100000 is :

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