Exam Assure Daily Quiz for RPSC ATP 2022-75

Exam Assure Quiz for


ATP Exam 2022

RPSC ATP Quiz-75

05 Questions- 05 Minutes

The minimum gradient of about____% is needed to ensure effective drainage of carriage ways with kerbs on flat urban roads

National Rural Health Mission seeks to reduce the following in our Country

  1. Maternal Mortality Ratio
  2. Infant Mortality Ratio
  3. Total Fertility Rate
  4. Sex Ratio

Identify the thrust areas of AMRUT mission from the following

  1. Water supply
  2. NMT
  3. Health
  4. Public Transport Facilities
  5. Power

Number of cities that will be covered under AMRUT (Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation) scheme by the Government of India is

One of the following is not a Milestone of Swach Bharat Mission

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The average score is 55%


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