Exam Assure Premium Quiz-167

Exam Assure Premium Quiz

Architecture and Planning Quiz


167- Daily Architecture and Planning Quiz

(Only for Premium Subscribers)
07 Questions- 05 Minutes

1 / 7

As per Fire Safety norms of NBC India for buildings having assembly and institutional occupancies, the maximum travel distance in meters to an exit from the dead end of a corridor is

2 / 7

Which of the following is a part of a studio apartment

3 / 7

The Saturation level of a colour represents

4 / 7

Invert level of a pipe at a given cross section refers to the

5 / 7

The command DVIEW in AutoCAD permits to view

6 / 7

Match the Land use categories of Group- I with their respective Colour codes in Group- II as per practice in India.
Group I Group II
P. Residential 1. Red
Q. Commercial 2. Grey
R. Industrial 3. Blue
S. Public/ Semi -public 4. Violet
5. Yellow

7 / 7

Match the Monuments in Group –I with their Features in Group –II
Group I       Group II
P. Panch Mahal FatehpurSikri 1. Painted Stone Figures
Q. MeenakshiTemple , Madurai 2. Intricated Red Sand Stone Carvings
R. Jor-Bangla Temple, Bishnupur 3. Granite statues
S. Sun temple, Konark 4. Khondalite stone work
5. Terracotta carvings

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