Exam Assure Premium Quiz-201

Exam Assure Premium Quiz

Architecture and Planning Quiz


201 - Daily Architecture and Planning Quiz

(Only for Premium Subscribers)
07 Questions- 05 Minutes

1 / 7

Match the architects in Group I with their projects in Group II

Group I                                   Group II

(P) Victor Horta(1) Farnsworth House
(Q) Gierrit Rietvelt(2) Robie House
(R) Mies van der Rohe(3) Tassel House
(S) Frank Lloyd Wright(4) Schroder House
 (5) Vanna Venturi House

2 / 7

Match the graphical representation in Group I with corresponding elements in Group II

3 / 7

Based on the psychrometric chart given below, match the vector in Group I with the respective process in

4 / 7

Match the software tools in Gr-I with their primary applications in Gr-II

Group I  Group II
(P) ETabs  (1) Acoustic analysis
(Q) Carto  (2) Structural analysis
(R) eQuest  (3) Statistical analysis
(S) SPSS  (4) Energy simulation
   (5) Geo-spatial analysis

5 / 7

Match the structural form in Group I with their corresponding illustration in Group II

6 / 7

Match the books in Group I with the corresponding authors in Group II

7 / 7

Match the names of tactile paving in Group I with their patterns in Group II

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