Exam Assure Premium Quiz-250

Exam Assure Premium Quiz

Architecture and Planning Quiz


250 - Daily Architecture and Planning Quiz

(Only for Premium Subscribers)
05 Questions- 05 Minutes

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A building site has a plot of 500 sqm.

Maximum allowable height- G+7 Area to be utilized for paved access road- 10%

Maximum Ground Coverage- 40% Runoff co-efficient for paved surface- 0.9 Maximum allowable FAR- 2 Runoff co-efficient for unpaved surface- 0.3

If maximum allowable FAR is utilized, the minimum ground coverage would be

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A building site has a plot of 500 sqm.

Maximum allowable height- G+7 Area to be utilized for paved access road- 10%

Maximum Ground Coverage- 40% Runoff co-efficient for paved surface- 0.9 Maximum allowable FAR- 2 Runoff co-efficient for unpaved surface- 0.3


If it rains for 30 min, with an intensity of 10 cm/ hour, minimum volume of rain water that can be collected will be

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An auditorium having volume of 4500 cum and total absorption of all acoustic material is 480m² sabine.

The reverberation time of the auditorium is

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An auditorium having volume of 4500 cum and total absorption of all acoustic material is 480m² sabine.

To reduce reverberation time by 0.5 second, additional absorption (m² sabine) required would be

5 / 5

A Residential sector planned over an area of 100 hectares has been divided into various plots, each having one dwelling unit with an average household size of 5 persons. Remaining area is devoted for schools, roads, parks, shops etc.

Plot Size No

500 sqm 500

300 sqm 500

200 sqm 1000

 The gross density of the residential sector in person per hectare would be

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