Exam Assure Premium Quiz-47

Exam Assure Premium Quiz

Architecture and Planning Quiz


47 - Daily Architecture and Planning Quiz

(Only for Premium Subscribers)
07 Questions- 05 Minutes

1 / 7

The idea of structure plan was developed in ___________ in the year 1971.

2 / 7

Following facilities cannot be provided and regulated by an individual community for contiguous area sharing Common Interest — results in the formation of Regional Planning Authority

(a) air pollution

(b) unifies correlation system

(c) water distribution

(d) solid waste disposal

(e) sewage treatment

3 / 7

In Chandigarh Master Plan the Dimension of each sector is

4 / 7

Meso regions are the Sub-divisions of

5 / 7

The pressure behind regionalism comes from the following groups

(a) Those seeking Administrative devolution from Central Government

(b) Those seeking Government reorganisation

(c) Those seeking a more efficient Land-use Planning System

6 / 7

For Indian conditions, the hierarchy of Regional Planning can be classified m the following fourfold manner

(a) Metropolitan on city regions

(b) River Valley regions

(c) Axial Development regions

(d) Transitional or depressed regions

7 / 7

The National Development Council (NDC) consist of

(a) Prime Minister

(b) Chief Minister's of State

(c) Member's of Planning Commission

(d) Member of Parliament

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