Exam Assure Premium Quiz-48

Exam Assure Premium Quiz

Architecture and Planning Quiz


48 - Daily Architecture and Planning Quiz

(Only for Premium Subscribers)
07 Questions- 05 Minutes

1 / 7

What type of Regional Plan was prepared for Aransol-Durgapur Complex

2 / 7

The Desirable standard of water supply for a medium Town with a population of > 50,000 should be

3 / 7

How the employer holds the contractor?

(a) Security bond

(b) Withholding around 10% on all on account bills

(c) Withholding the materials dumped at Site

4 / 7

Which one specify the unit rates required to supply labour and materials

5 / 7

One of the following method falls under non-deterministic approach or the probabilistic approach

6 / 7

Bar chart was introduced by

7 / 7

In resource allocation, plotting the resources usage profile is called

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