
Exam Assure Premium Quiz-101

Exam Assure Premium Quiz

Architecture and Planning Quiz


101 - Daily Architecture and Planning Quiz

(Only for Premium Subscribers)
07 Questions- 05 Minutes

1 / 7

As per National Building Code, 2016, a high- rise building is a building having height

2 / 7

The Passenger Car Unit (PCU) standards as per the vehicle type are given below. State which option is INCORRECT?

3 / 7

Which of the following Public Transport Options have the highest line/carrying capacity in terms of passengers/direction/ hour ?

4 / 7

The Sagrada Familia Church in Barcelona is designed by

5 / 7

Which of the following cities was first declared as the World Heritage City (WHC) of India by UNESCO?

6 / 7

Which of the following is a Scheme of Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs that focuses on strategic and planned development of heritage cities of India?

7 / 7

The process of attaching spatial information to data is called:

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