
Exam Assure Premium Quiz-121

Exam Assure Premium Quiz

Architecture and Planning Quiz


121 - Daily Architecture and Planning Quiz

  • (Only for Premium Subscribers)
    07 Questions- 05 Minutes

1 / 7

Level of services (LOS) index is recorded as

2 / 7

Satellite imagery is a vital source of     _______ for producing and updating maps

3 / 7

Polarised light is used in

4 / 7

For a building on the side of a busy street, where the ordinary scaffolding will obstruct the traffic on road, the type of scaffolding provided is

5 / 7

Quoins are

6 / 7

An area that is hard surfaced, centrally located and highly visible is called

7 / 7

As a provider of Housing the main focus area of Government is

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