
Exam Assure Premium Quiz-138

Exam Assure Premium Quiz

Architecture and Planning Quiz


138 - Daily Architecture and Planning Quiz

(Only for Premium Subscribers)
07 Questions- 05 Minutes

1 / 7

Match the buildings in Group I with their corresponding structural feature in Group II

2 / 7

Match the Five Year Plans listed under  Group I with their corresponding feature from Group II

3 / 7

Match the landscape designers listed under  Group I with their appropriate contribution from Group II

4 / 7

Match the organism type from Group I with the appropriate example from Group II

5 / 7

Match the concepts in Group I with their corresponding authors in Group II

6 / 7

The scale of a contour map is 1:10,000 and  the contour interval is 5 m. Distance  between two given points on the map is 2 cm and the elevation difference between the two given points is 10 m.

The actual distance between  the two given points in m would be

7 / 7

A point load of 3kN acts at mid-span of a 4 m long cantilever beam as shown in figure below.

Shearing force at free end in kN is

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