Exam Assure Premium Quiz-194

Exam Assure Premium Quiz

Architecture and Planning Quiz


194 - Daily Architecture and Planning Quiz

(Only for Premium Subscribers)
07 Questions- 05 Minutes

1 / 7

Identify the role of Vermiculate in vertical landscapes

2 / 7

Which of the following parameters is essential to estimate the Envelope Performance Factor (EPF) of a building as  per the Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC), 2011?

3 / 7

Match the instruments in Column I with the various types of surveying in Column II and select the appropriateoption.

4 / 7

Match the characteristics of settlement systems in Column- I with their corresponding theory/rules in Column-II and select appropriate option.

5 / 7

Match the architectural projects in Column I with the architect in Column II, and select the appropriate option.

                Column-I Column-II
PIndia Habitat Centre, New Delhi1Christopher Charles Benninger
QUnited World College (UWC),

Mahindra College, Pune

2Charles Correa
RBrain and Cognitive Science Centre- MIT, Cambridge3Joseph Allen Stein
SHabitat -67, Montreal4Norman Foster
  5Moshe Safdie

6 / 7

Match the Name of book provided in Column I with the corresponding author in Column II and select theappropriate option.

 Column-I Column-II
PEarthscape1Ian McHarg
QSynthesis of Form2John O Simonds
RDesign with Nature3Cristopher Alexander
SThe City of Tomorrow and its Planning4Lewis Mumford
  5Le Corbusier

7 / 7

Match the thermal properties in the Column- I and their respective units in Column- II and select the appropriate option.

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