
Exam Assure Premium Quiz-208

Exam Assure Premium Quiz

Architecture and Planning Quiz


208 - Daily Architecture and Planning Quiz

(Only for Premium Subscribers)
07 Questions- 05 Minutes

1 / 7

Match the buildings in Group I with their corresponding structural systems in Group II

2 / 7

Choose the correct options with respect to cycle track design as per Indian Road Congress guidelines.

[A] The minimum width of cycle track is 3 m if overtaking is to be provided for

[B] Cycle tracks may be provided when peak hour cycle traffic is 400 or more on routes with a traffic of 100 to 200 vehicles/hour

[C] Maximum gradient allowed for cycle tracks is 1 in 15

[D] Cyclist should have a clear view of at least 80 m

3 / 7

As per the Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013, for which purposes can the urgency clause for land acquisition be invoked?

[A] National defence and security purposes

[B] Affordable housing program

[C] Industrial projects

[D] Emergency arising out of natural calamities

4 / 7

Which of the following international treaties are related to Climate Change and global warming?

[A] Cartagenaprotocol,2000

[B] Copenhagen summit, 2001

[C] Nagoya protocol, 2010

[D] Paris Agreement, 2016

5 / 7

Which of the following algorithms are used for finding the shortest path in an urban transportation network?

[A] Logit

[B] Huff

[C] Floyd Warshall

[D] Dijkstra

6 / 7

Which of the following statements are true with respect to surface paint?

[A] Paint is glossy when Pigment Volume Concentration is high

[B] Vehicle is the volatile part of the paint

[C] Base of the paint is usually oxides of metals

[D] High VOC content is preferred in paints

7 / 7

As per the Solid Waste Management Rules 2016, which among the following are ‘Duties of waste generators’?

[A] Segregate and store waste generated in four separate streams namely, combustible, non-combustible, organic and domestic hazardous waste

[B] Store construction and demolition waste separately within own premise before disposal

[C] All waste generator shall pay user fee for solid waste management

[D] Compost horticulture waste and garden waste separately within own premise

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