Exam Assure Premium Quiz-249

Exam Assure Premium Quiz

Architecture and Planning Quiz


249 - Daily Architecture and Planning Quiz

(Only for Premium Subscribers)
05 Questions- 05 Minutes

1 / 5

The maintenance cost of a building will be Rs 2 lacs after 10 years. The annual sinking fund required for such maintenance @ rate of 6 % interest per annum will be

2 / 5

Match the figures in Group I with the fixtures in Group II

3 / 5

Match the joints in Group I with the corresponding figures in Group II

4 / 5

A Beam of span L is simply supported at two ends. One half span of the beam weighs W and the remaining half span weighs 2W.

Maximum shear force in the Beam will be

5 / 5

A Beam of span L is simply supported at two ends. One half span of the beam weighs W and the remaining half span weighs 2W.

Maximum Bending Moment will occur at


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