Exam Assure GATE AR Quiz-27

Exam Assure GATE Classes

GATE Architecture and Planning Quiz


27 - Daily Quiz for GATE AR Exam 2023

05 Questions- 10 Minutes

1 / 7

The compressive strength of M-25 concrete is

2 / 7

In Critical Path Method (CPM) for time scheduling, ‘forward pass calculation’ is carried out for determining

3 / 7

Collapse of the World Trade Center (WTC), New York, in 2001, was due to

4 / 7

During the construction of tall buildings, the equipment used for hoisting building materials to the upper floors is a

5 / 7

A Rock-cut style of architecture is represented by

6 / 7

‘Area based development’ and ‘Pan city development’ are part of

7 / 7

In mass transportation, LRTS stands for

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