
Exam Assure GATE AR Quiz-31

Exam Assure GATE Classes

GATE Architecture and Planning Quiz


31 - Daily Quiz for GATE AR Exam 2023

05 Questions- 10 Minutes

1 / 5

Associate the fire safety requirements for high rise buildings in Group-I with corresponding standards of the National Building Code of India 2016 in Group-II

P. Minimum Refuge area1. 12.5 sqm/person
Q. Maximum Travel distance2. 2.0 m
R. Maximum Occupant load3. 0.3 sqm/person
S. Minimum Stair case width4. 12.0 ton
 5. 30.0 m

2 / 5

Match the photometric quantities in Group-I with their respective units in Group-II

P Illuminance1 Candela
Q Luminous Intensity2 Candela/sqm
R Luminance3 Lumens/sqm
S Luminous Efficacy4 Lumens/watt
 5 Lumens

3 / 5

Associate the symbols in Group I with their meanings in Group II

4 / 5

Match the elements in Group-I with the building components in Group-II

P King post1 Curtain glazing
Q Grade beam2 Door
R Metal decking3 Plinth
S Jamb4 Intermediate floor
 5 Truss

5 / 5

Match the iconic architectural examples in Group-I with their predominant structural systems in Group-II

P.  S. Maria del Fiore Cathedral, Florence1.  Shell
Q.  Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris2.  Suspended roof
R.  Olympic Arena, Tokyo3.  Space frame
S.  Bahá’i Temple, Delhi4.  Double-walled dome
 5.  Flying buttress

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